Sunday, January 15, 2012


Area: 30,715 sq km
Population: 3,236,626 (1990)
Traffic Code: 06
Capital of the Republic of Turkey, Ankara, Central Anatolia, was a central point. This central location, throughout history, especially during the reign of the Seljuks and the Ottomans, sold abroad to Ankara in Ankara goats feathers fabrics sof the Silk Route, and has become a trade center.
Ankara, Ataturk after World War I led a prominent position in national struggle undertaken and the National Liberation War and the invasion of Turkish foreign kurtarılmasıyla 13 October 1923 in the halls of residence has been declared the new capital of the Republic of Turkey.
Located at Ankara's most prominent building, the magnificent Anitkabir mausoleum built for the Great Leader Atatürk. Completed in 1953, ancient and modern architectural synthesis demonstrates the power and grace of Turkish architecture.
The oldest parts of the city's historic castle is surrounded. Walls in the 12th Aladdin-century mosque by the Ottomans in each hand has been migrated to what is still the finest examples of Seljuk art of wood-work and exhibitions. Many interesting old Turkish houses have been restored, and art galleries or attractive restaurants found new life as examples of traditional Turkish cuisine.
Gate, which has been beautifully restored fort near the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations Bedestendeki Paleolithic, Neolithic periods, and the Hatti, Hittite, Phrygian, Urartu and Roman civilizations are of priceless artifacts.
13 out of the castle Mosque and the 14th-century Arslanhane century Ahi Elvan Mosque are worth to look. The legacy of Roman A.D. The third-century baths, the fourth-century Julian Column and the Temple of Augustus in the second century Corinthian style, was built around the Nation Square, close to the castle. Orders''political''one of the Emperor Augustus and his achievements from the inscription that in detail, the Temple of Augustus in Ankara duvarlarıdır.
Close to the castle, a Roman theater and the same region, 15 Haci Bayram Mosque and Mausoleum is located in the century.
Door Seljuk wood carving masterpieces and other daily-use vehicles on display right next to the Museum of Ethnography in the fine arts of Painting and Sculpture Museum, Turkey contains sections. Kocatepe mosque, the biggest mosque in Ankara, which was built between 1976 and 1987 in accordance with the Ottoman architecture.
Ankara, famous ballet, theater, opera and folk dance arrangements are plagued with a vibrant artistic and cultural life. City, particularly the number of listeners that does not at all with the famous Philharmonic Orchestra.

Districts of Ankara; Altindag, Cankaya, Etimesgut, GOP, Mamak, Xinjiang, Yenimahalle, Akyurt, Ayas, Bala, Beypazarı, Çamlıdere, Rod, Elmadag, The Universe, Golbasi, Gudul, Haymana, Kalecik, Kazan, Kizilcahamam, Nallihan, Polatli and Sereflikochisar is.
Akyurt: 33 km from the city center. away. 1 km away from the village of the district due Balıkhisar, BC 3000 years have been settled since the middle of the Old Bronze Age and the post was a big mound.
Altindag: 1 km from the city center. away, Seljuks, Ottomans and more, covering ancient civilizations in the district; Ankara Citadel, Temple of Augustus, Julianus Column, the Roman Baths, the Republic memorial, the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, the State Painting and Sculpture Museum, the Ethnographic Museum, Liberation War Museum and the Republic Museum. In addition, Karacabey, Ahi Serafettin, Haci Bayram Veli Efendi, Karyagdi, and Haci Bayram Tombs Gulbaba and Izzettin Father, Aslanhane, Ahi Elvan, Aladdin, Chain and Lead mosques within the boundaries of the district.
Ayas: 58 km from the city center. Ayas from County is famous for its hot springs. King Spa and 23 km. içmelerinin Ayas mineral waters in the west and radyoaktifli health is an important source of wealth. Connect Karadere, Plain Ties, Arıklar Ties, Ties Kirazdibi other natural assets of the county.
Bala: Bala district of Ankara, situated on the southern borders, as well as the district of Ankara, 35 km away from the town of Bala Forests Beynam important places of recreation. This is usually covered with pine forests.
Beypazari: Ankara, 99 km. history dates back to the Hittites and the Phrygians within Beypazari. Beypazarı is the center of a diocese, the name of historical artifacts and maps is amended as previously understood Lagania Anastasiopolis.
Beypazari, historic houses, a pretty town, famous for silver-plating, and carrots. Vault cutthroat, Suluhan, old baths, Sultan Alaeddin Mosque, Mosque Akşemseddin, Leaded Mosque, Rustem Pasha Hamam, Gündüzalp Ghazi Mausoleum (Hırkatepe), the Tomb of David Kelly (Kuyumcutekke), the tomb of Ahmed Khan, the district is within the boundaries of historic places worth seeing.
10 km from the district. away from the Tekke Plateau, 44 km from the town of Karasar Eğriova Plateau and the Lake, Dereli structures resembling fairy chimneys around the village of the district places of interest.
Çamlıdere: the distance from the city center of Ankara, 108 km to the northwest of the town of Çamlıdere. is. There is a mosque belonging to the Seljuk era is the county town of Pechenegs. In addition, the come across the ruins of Byzantine tombs and settlements.
Cankaya: Cankaya district, 9 km from the city center. away. The Cankaya district of Ankara's central districts, the district gets into a lot near the center of the province. Ataturk Forest Farm, Eymir Lake, Elmadag Ski Facility, within the borders of the district Ahlatlibel Sports and Entertainment Centre.
The Mausoleum of Atatürk Museum, Ataturk Monument (Victory Monument-Medic), General Directorate of MTA Natural History Museum, the Security Memorial, the Ethnographic Ataturk Memorial, the Natural History Museum, the Archaeological Museum of Middle East Technical University, the State Painting and Sculpture Exhibition Hall, Monument Park, the Botanical Garden, Abdi Ipekci Park, Güven Park, Independence Park, Kugulu Park, the National Sovereignty Park, Ahmet Arif Park, 100 Year Indoor swimming pool, sports fields, such as the Municipal Ice Skating Course, the Toy Museum (Cebeci-Ankara University Education Faculty), the Hittite Memorial, Atakule, Parliament's main tourist areas in the county.
Rod: Rod, 39 km away from Ankara city center. Aktepe 'in the ruins of a castle and the remains of the Hittite Karadana Rock tomb hewn into the village.
Rod II. Dam drainage area located in the forests and the forested areas and Karagöl important places of recreation.
Elmadag: 41 km from the city center. away. Dating back to the root of the Seljuk carpets, hand woven rugs, saddle bags, and cultural richness brought to the present day.
Etimesgut: Etimesgut town 20 km from the city center of Ankara. is. Gazi Train Station and had to deal during a rally in Istanbul Ataturk Etimesgut Railway Station *** mentioned by striking historic building features. Mas'ud that the name of Etimesgut'a Ahi, Ahi Elvan elders, such as Turks, the tomb of Ahi Elvan Elvankoy Grace 'is located in the courtyard of the mosque Elvankoy.
The Universe: 178 km from the city center. away. Common around the mound and the church, castle ruins of settlements of this region show that long before Islam. County within the boundaries of the Universe-The Universe on the way to Sarıyahşi to 2 km. A thousand years away from the mound, the remains of pottery were found. Discussion in the village, 2 km southwest of Starling Castle belongs to the late Byzantine and Ottoman period.
Golbasi: Ankara, 20 km. Golbasi away from the promenade and around Ankara, countryside, tourism and industrial zone state. Mogan and Eymir lakes, natural beauty, clean air and the fish in a tourist district with the production of valuable.
District boundaries, Slim, Pilgrims and Tulumtaş Tulumtaş villages in the outskirts of the Cave Hill Karayatak spectacular stalagmites, stalactites and columns are.
Haymana: distance 73 km from the city center. which is world famous for its hot springs Haymana. Date of spas date back to the Hittites. After the Hittites during the reign of the Romans re-repaired spa facilities, spa, 1-1.5 km east of also establishing a city still in ruins, this area was transformed into a water treatment center.
Goalkeepers: 71 km from the city center. Kalecik and surrounding areas away from BC for the first time Early Chalcolithic Period between 3500-4000 is estimated to have been settled. Hasbey, House, Tannery Mosques, Kazancibaba, Alisoglu Tomb and the Red River Bridge on the Develioglu Kalecik Castle and the major historical works.
Kazan: Kazan 'distance of 45 km from the city center. is. The exact date of establishment of the district is not known. The result of the excavations of the many historical monuments, towns and villages of the time of the settlement show that many different civilizations.
Kecioren: Kazan district 3 km away from Ankara city center. is. Is one of Ankara's central districts. War of Independence was prepared and used as headquarters of Mustafa Kemal in Ankara Kecioren within the boundaries of the former agricultural school today as a museum.
Kizilcahamam: 83 km from the city center. Ankara, which has the most extensive forest cover at a distance of Kizilcahamam settlement. 16 km away, which is rich in mineral water Kızılcahamam'a Well Bath Spa are among the country's major spas.
Mamak: Mamak district 7 km distance from center city. is. Cultural services in the district to fulfill the current Municipal Building, including the Presidential Building is located at the Conservatory. In addition, 75 Year of the Republic Amphitheatre, cultural assets, operating assets, as sayılabilir.Tabiat Hatip River, Bayindir Dam and picnic areas in a 4.
Nallihan: Nallıhan'ın 161 km away from the city center. 1599 Queen Nasuhpaşa dir.İlçe center of an inn where yaptırmasıyla have formed, the Han was the name. Currently, the roof of the mosque and a bath were destroyed along with the Han. In the district, Uluhan (Departed) 17 in the village of Uluhan century mosque which was built in the other important work.
Polatli: Polatli town 78 km away from the city center. is. Today Polatli 20 m. the northern part of the village and the surrounding region Yassıhöyük a real date as its beginning. In this environment the 86 royal tombs and the remains found at the site and the town center and the city are the remains of the tumulus.
Sereflikochisar: 148 km from the city center. away. In the district, which is Turkey's second largest lake is Lake Tuz. Lake fishing is possible in the north of the dam Hirfanli. Salt Lake, Leaded Mosque, Koçhisar Parlasan Castle and Castle, the county creates a wealth of historical and tourist attractions.
Yenimahalle: Yenimahalle length 5 km from the city center. is. Among the works contained in the City Centre highlighting the history of the Seljuk ruler Alaeddin Keykubat Yenimahalle in 1222, built on the former Baghdad Tea Trade route passes Akkopru include Ankara. History of the bridge and still keep the property, 4 large, 3 small to be composed of 7 arches.

Road: Ankara, Turkey has the ability to access each side of the bus.
Bus Station Tel: (+90-312) 224 10 00
Airline: Ankara Esenboga International Airport, 25 km from the city center. is. Transportation services are provided Havas.
Airport Tel: (+90-312) 398 00 00/1517 - 398 05 50-398 00 00/1649
Railway: The Ankara-Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, Ankara-Balikesir, Ankara, Isparta, Burdur, Zonguldak-Ankara, Ankara-Adana, Ankara and Elazig-Diyarbakir train transport routes are available.
Railway Station Tel: (+90-312) 311 49 94-310 65 15
Republic of Turkey's founder, creator of revolutions, a brave soldier, great leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's Mausoleum where the eternal istirahatgâhının, Rasattepe 'was built in.
Prof. Architects. Emin Onat and Assistant Professor. Orhan Arda. In 1944, the construction of the monument, completed in 1953. Assign the same year, the Ethnographic Museum was transferred to his temporary grave in a big ceremony here.
Units in the Mausoleum complex; Independence Tower, Freedom Tower, Lion Road, Tower Defense Law, soldier Tower, the Victory Tower, Peace Tower, April 23 Tower, the Misak-i Milli Tower, the Tower of the Revolution, Victory Reliefs, Mausoleum - Holüdür Honor.
Museum of Anatolian Civilizations
Address: Hisar Cad. Ulus - Ankara
Tel: (312) 324 31 60
Fax: (312) 311 28 39
Museum of Ethnography
Address: Talatpasa Avenue Opera - Ankara
Tel: (312) 311 95 56
Ankara Atatürk House
Ankara University Faculty of Education''''Toy Museum
Atatürk Museum Pavilion Forums
Beypazari Culture and History Museum
Special Education Training-Der Museum
Gordion Museum
Mehmet Akif Ersoy House
MTA Natural History Museum
METU Museum of Archaeology and
Museum of Children's Protection Agency, Turkey
TRT Museum and the National Independence Exhibition
100. Year, the Museum of Technical Education for Girls
Gazi University Faculty of Vocational Education
T.Ç. Museum of the Agricultural Bank
Museum of the War of Independence and the Republic of
Address: Cumhuriyet Cad. Ulus - Ankara
Tel: (312) 311 04 73
Gordian - Polatli / Yassıhöyük: the capital of the Kingdom of Phrygia, the ruins of the famous city of Gordion, near Ankara-Eskisehir highway, Sakarya (Sangarios) and Badger rivers converge approaching the place, Polatli 21 km. northwest, 90 km from Ankara. away, Yassıhöyük village.
Gordian 's BC 3000 discouraged (Early Bronze Age) is based on up. Assyria, the Hittites (BC 1950 - BC 1180), and Phrygia (BC 900-M.Ö.620) of the settlement was an important. State was the capital of Phrygia. By Gordios (Phrygian capital of the founder) was the name of the king. The famous knot tied by King Gordion, BC by Alexander the Great He spent the winter in 333 cut Gordion. Gordion, the period after Alexander the Great (300-100 BC) began, after the Roman period (ca. 1 - MS4. Century.), And the Seljuk (MS11.-13. Century .) era lasted.
Roman Bath - Ankara / Central: Yildirim Bayazit Square, extending from Ulus Square Cankiri Street, the street is located on a platform height of up to 2.5 meters. Where the bath is known that the high platform mound.
Hammam, Caracalla (AD 212-217), dated to the transfer. Baths of Caracalla Çankırı Street entrance, surrounded by the remains of a portico with columns, a wide area, palaestraya that opens in a wrestling site. This whole side of the portico of the courtyard to one side of the 32 columns are 128 marble columns. Part of the buildings are located just behind paleastra Hammam. These structures are a rare size, as always apodyterium (part of the dressing), Frigidarium (cold side), Tepidarium (warm section) and Caldarium (hot section) consists of an.
Gavurkale Ruins - Ankara / Haymana: 60 kilometers southwest of Ankara. Creek that flows next to the base of the 60 meter high hill with Babayakup, to settle a long-running has been the scene. Due to the hill where the old ruined walls Gavurkale was called.
Gavurkale, south-facing side of a hill located on the steep rocks, marching one after the other two gods, a relief of a goddess seated against them, and with walls composed of huge blocks surrounding this rocky noted. Hittite rock reliefs in question are original works, only one of the monuments similar to those found in different parts of Anatolia.
As a result of various investigations in this area proved to be an important center of s *** surrounded by Arla. Previously only known as a place of worship of the Hittites Gavurkale 'also understood to be an important Phrygian settlement, it has been visited by Ataturk in 1930, during the works themselves. In later years a variety of surveys conducted around the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in 1998, headed by Gavurkale'de started the excavation work.
Darks Village Ruins - Ankara / Boiler
The Wreck of Karahöyük - Hacıtuğrul Village
Museum of Ethnography
Ogust Temple - Ankara / Altindag
Ahlatlibel: Ahlatlibel, 14 kilometers southwest of Ankara Taspinar Village - Haymana Gavurkale-old is on the way. This station is very close to Ankara, the Anatolian Early Bronze Age settlement is an important unit of a flat.
Completion: Completion of Ankara, 42 kilometers northwest of the mound. BC, from top to bottom V. century, starting with settlement of a Classical Period Early Bronze Age settlement of the place was thick. Wan 'Teki Early Bronze Age remains the region's eastern and western Anatolia and the documents of interest.
Etiyokuşu: 5 kilometers north of Ankara, Bar River shore. The excavation, Prof.. Sevket made on behalf of the Turkish Historical Society in 1937 by Aziz Kansu. Types of the Old Stone Age tools were found on the bottom floor. Its culture is similar to that at the Early Bronze Age culture Ahlatlibel. At the top of various periods found in the ruins of a great palace.
Temple of Augustus: Haci Bayram Mosque in Ulus, is adjacent to. BC II. century, over time, the temple was destroyed in the name of the Phrygian Goddess Men. Today the ruins of a temple in the last Galatian king, son of the ruler Amintos'un Pylamenes behalf by the Roman Emperor Augustus was built to be a sign of commitment.
Time of the Byzantines made several additions, windows opened and converted into a church. Surrounded by four walls surrounded the form of four columns. On the length of the surrounding five-, six cross-pieces forty-two, four in front of the temple gate at the rear there are two points of the column. Only two side wall and the edges of the embroidered part of the former state are standing in the door. Length of Rome and Augustus managed to work in the temple with an inscription showing the testament was put into the wall of the temple adjacent to the tomb.
Julianus Column: Revenue and the governor's office building is located between the edge of the pool. There is no inscription of any. Many are in the body of the people, is the height of fifteen feet. Column of Emperor Julianus' s (A.D. 361)
Ankara Roman Theatre: Castle Street and is located between Spring Street. For the first time found at the end of 1982, rescue excavations began on March 15 1983, the General Directorate of Museums. Directorate of Anatolian Civilizations Museum until the end of 1986 continued the excavation. The result A.D. II. century, dating from the beginning was a typical Roman theater ruins. These include vaulted parados buildings, paved orchestra, the audience seats (cavea), stage room (scene) from the base and walls, as well as residual fragments of sculpture and found many.
Akköprü Asset District is on the front and the Ankara River, the oldest bridge in Ankara. In 1222 the Seljuk Ruler, I. Governor of Ankara was built by Aladdin Keykubad Kızılbey time.
Mound and tumuli
Beştepeler Tumulus: The first excavation of tumuli in the Mausoleum were made by Makridi in 1926. In 1945, Ataturk's Mausoleum in the field of soil correction had to be removed during the several tumuli, two tumulus was opened and pottery along with many of the tools in here, the Phrygians were recovered. Experts in these tombs is the contemporary tombs of Phrygian Gordion çıkarmışlardır.
Yumurtatepe (Demetevler) Tumulus: Farm - located on the left side of the road Demetevler Demetevler intersection. In 1986 and 1987 excavation seasons were excavated by the Directorate of Ankara Anatolian Civilizations Museum. As a result of the excavations, at the top of the tumulus of the Early Bronze Age in the small and round and terra cotta works were seized in a single structure.
Ash Mound: Oyaca is within the boundaries of the town, about 50 highway in Ankara-Haymana km on the left separated on dye, discharge, after going to the right of the road 1.5 km from the path of the Work and Durupınar and 150 meters away. Külhöyük'te with a medium-sized mounds, excavations are headed by Directorate of Anatolian Civilizations.
Karaoglan: Karaoglan, 25 km from Ankara. on the highway to the south, and Ankara-Konya. All of civilization is seen as a multiple of the mound Kalkolitikten. Ankara has in Gölbaşı floors of the Hittite and Phrygian one of the most important stations.
Ankara Citadel: The Citadel of Ankara who were the guardians of the city was the symbol of the city for centuries. Date of Ankara Citadel, the city is as old as history. The exact date of construction is unknown, but the idea is common for the first time by the Romans.
Onartılıp extended by the Seljuks. Establishment, as well as peak flow (Hatip Creek) Bentderesinden 110 meters.
The castle, the castle, including the inner and the outer two parts. There are more than twenty towers. The old city of Ankara turns heart-shaped outer castle. Ankara stone and partly in the inner part of a four-story collection (spoliyen) made of stones. Interior of the castle are two large doors, one of the outer door, the other one bears the name of the castle door. Between 14 and 16 m. The height of the inner castle towers varies between. Today in the castle, the Ottoman Ankara'sının XVII. Century onwards, the house survived, there are a lot of Ankara.
Kalecik Castle: Kalecik Castle, 78 km from Ankara on the way to Çankırı. away. The modern town is built on a hill that dominates the symmetric cone-shaped. Connects to a ridge southwest of the mountains and the Red River to the plains stretching to rise alone.
Some important mosques in the city, Wood Foot Church, Ahi Elvan Mosque, the Mosque of Ahi Jacob, Aslanhane (Ahi Serafettin) Church, Almighty Ahmet Pasha Mosque, Alaeddin Mosque, Mosque Çiçekçioğlu, Mast Mosque, Mosque Eskicioðlu, Hacettepe Mosque, Hadji Arab Mosque, Haci Bayram Mosque, Mosque İbadullah Karacabey Mosque, Kocatepe Mosque, Leaded Mosque, the Mosque of Tannery, Tacettin Mosque Mosque and the chain.
Ankara, the tomb of Ahi Serafettin, Azimi (Pasazade Haji Ismail al-Assad) Mausoleum, the tomb of Ahmed Pasha Almighty, Hacibayram Parent Mausoleum, the tomb of Ismail Fazil Pasha, Karacabey Tomb, the Tomb of Karyağdı, Kesikbaş Tomb, the nomad Dede (Dogan Bey) is the tomb of .
Catholic Church (St. Paul's Church):
Address: Ataturk Boulevard No: 118 - Kavaklıdere (Garden of the Italian Embassy)
Tel: 65 18 0312426
Service times:
Saturday: (Summer), 19.00 (Winter), 18:00
Every Sunday: (Summer) 10:00 to 12:00 -19.00 (winter) 18:00
Catholic Church (St. Theresa Church):
Address: Street Lights Street Brothers. 15 - The Nation
Tel: 0312311 01 18
Service times: Sunday: 10.30 (in Turkish)
Catholic Church (Church of the Virgin Mary):
Address: Union Mah. 3. Cad. No. 35 Oyak, Cankaya (Beside the Vatican Embassy)
Tel: 35 23 0312495
Service times: Sundays: 09.45 (English) 11.00 (French)
Anglican Church (St. Nicholas Church):
Address: Martyr Ersan Cad. 46 - Cankaya (Inside the Embassy of Great Britain)
Tel: 0,312,468 62 30/32 85
Service times: Sunday 10.00 (English)
Synagogue (Jewish Society):
Address: Saka Mah. Union Street. 8 - Samanpazarı,
Tel: 0312. 311 62 00
Cengel Inn is located below the castle, on Sefa Street Atpazari Square. Inscription is understood to be built in 1522.
Leaded Han: Situated on the road leading to Ankara Castle and the work was commissioned in 1421 by Fatih's vizier, Mahmut Pasa, Inn built in the typical Ottoman city.
Mahmut Paşa Bazaar: The castle is located adjacent to the inn on the road, and Lead. 1421 - 1459 Between the inn was built by the Grand Vizier Mahmut Pasha.

East - West direction and extends longitudinally and has a uniform rectangular plan, one of ten large domes and covered with the shops which have occurred outside the covered bazaar, and a covered bazaar consists of two parts. Domed part of the exhibition hall of the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations is used today.
Aqueous Khan Haci Dogan neighborhood is located between boaters Street and Sulu Inn Street. Chained by Zade Mehmet Emin Bey Cevvar 1685 Şeyhülislam on the mosque was built as a foundation which is claimed to Hana Hasan Pasa Hani, also called the aqueous. But the deed, dated 1141, records indicate that Abdulkerimzade donated by Mehmet Emin Bey.
Zağfiran (saffron) Khan: the EC market. Kayseri who is settled in Ankara was built by Haci Ibrahim Bin Haci Mehmet. According to the statutes of the organization was in 1512, must be made on these dates. Half of the inn property, mirror the spirit of the aggregate is the foundation-i-sharif to read, to look at the fountain at the entrance is devoted to Han Lutfi. A small mosque is located inside.
Old Bath: Old Hammam, Gazi High School is located just opposite. Which is a very bad situation to be completely destroyed in the bath soyunmalığı hand, cold and heat, the furnace, including the stands. As the architectural structure of the work and technique XV. century is estimated.
Karacabey Bath: Bath Karacabey on Talat Pasa Boulevard is on the 1444. Karacabey olunmuş constitutes the western part of Bath as a double bath adjacent to each other soyunmalıkları, while the eastern part of the building in a different style than batıdakilere halvetleriyle showing the temperature and gives rise to a larger rectangle with the whole square, converge.
Sengul Baths: Independence Quarter Bitter Fountain is in the street. Women and men in a double bath to be part of the Sengul Baths were formerly part of the women's men were now on Independence Avenue. Side by side the two-part technique and material to build the soyunmalıklarının, XIX. century is clear.
Mimar Sinan Memorial: Language and History - in front of the Faculty of Geography. Real Estate and Credit Bank of Turkey in 1956, was built by the sculptor Anka'ya Hussein. The largest architect Mimar Sinan (1409-1588) 's standing, has its own clothing and marble statue.
The Statue of Security: Kizilay Trust in the park. In 1935 the stone was in Ankara. Due to the Turkish nation is a gift from the police and the gendarmerie is also called the Statue of Security.
Midhat Pasha Monument in Ulus, T.Ç. Building next to the General Directorate of Agricultural Bank. In 1966, T.Ç. Agricultural Bank of faculty members by the Istanbul Academy of Fine Arts Sculptor Professor. Anka'ya Hussein built.
Statue of the Republic of the nation: the nation Square. Monument, the heroes of the War of Independence the Turkish nation 's was erected in 1927 as a gift.
Victory Monument: Yenişehir on Ataturk Boulevard, in front of the Army House. Although Atatürk in uniform standing and leaning against his sword, a bronze sculpture.
Ms. Zubeyde Bust: Ismet Pasha Institute for Girls in front of the building. Ataturk's mother, Mrs. Zubeyde 's bust the biggest gift to the Turkish Women's Union Center analarının by the Turks to be planted on March 31, 1964.
Travel and Recreation Locations
Altinpark: Altinpark, Irfan Bastug Aydınlıkevler'de Street, serves 640 thousand m2 area. Park in the International Exhibition Center, Science Center, Cultural Center, Indoor and Outdoor Sports Areas, Front and Side Front Performance Amplifiers, Turkish, Italian and Chinese restaurants, Turk Street, and part of Peak hanından, Pond and gardens, production greenhouses, the Olympic Swimming Pool , Mini-Golf Course and Horse Backgammon is presented to the public.
Desk Tel: 0312317 96 70-317 96 96
Atakule: Atakule, makes a significant contribution to the presence of Ankara's modern appearance. 118.2 m. The altitude of the peak height of the tower that is 125 meters. 115.6-meter multi-purpose audio-visual equipment suitable for use in a cocktail lounge (for weddings, seminars, conferences, etc..) Has an area of ​​600 square meters. Every hour laps revolving restaurant 111.8 meters. Every day, 9:30 to 23:00 to cruise the open terrace, 103.8 meters. 99.8 meters, a café - bar.
Desk Tel: 77 01 0312440
Ataturk Forest Farm: Established by Ataturk, today's casinos, parks, picnic areas, a zoo, with a variety of products and the nature of the most visited by residents in the place of a visit, and the promenade. City buses, taxis and commuter train is possible.
Desk Tel: 0312212 02 3 l
Youth Park: Station - is located between the Opera building. Amusement park, tea gardens, cafes, theaters operating in the summer months, kayak and water bike and walked in a large pool, restaurant, type, and various entertainment venues that demanded by the people is an important leisure and entertainment center.
Bayindir Dam: 12 km away from Ankara, Samsun on the path. Natural beauty, casinos, camping area and swimming pool at the dam, and a trip to the mall is a place popular with foreigners. Transportation, bus and minibus possible.
Cankaya backs: the Presidential Palace and is where the Atatürk Museum. Cankaya is a relatively cool summer days, bakeries and tea houses in a large parking area is also available, such as a table seyredilebileceği the most beautiful place in Ankara.
Bar Dam: 12 kilometers away from Ankara. The forested area around the dam in the casinos, picnic areas, walking areas, and there are tea houses. Which is available to tour by car and there are also city bus routes.
Golbasi: 25 kilometers southwest of Ankara and Konya Highway, on the shores of Lake Mogan, there are beaches and casinos, as well as restaurants and coffee shops. Longing for summer heat and a trip to the mall is a place that addresses a modicum. Shores of the lake with a swimming pool, boat trips are suitable for. Transportation, provided by a municipal bus.
Other Recreational Areas: MTA Rose Garden, Kurtbogazi Araj, Sariyar Dam, Beynam Place of forest recreation, forest recreation ÇAMKORU Place, Trust - Karagol Place of forest recreation, forest recreation Hoşebe Place, Karagol Place of forest recreation, forest recreation Sorgun Location, Location Sogutozu forest recreation, forest recreation Tekkedağı Place, Uluhan forest recreation destination.
National Parks
Soguksu National Park
District of Ankara province of the Byzantine-era caves are Gudul.
Ankara Cave (Cave Tourism)
Important thermal springs in the province Kizilcahamam-Sey Bath Spa (link), Ayas drink and Spa, King Spa Ayas, Beypazarı-Dutlu-Tahtali spas and drinking, Kapullu Spa, Spa and Bar Meliksah Haymana spa.
Ankara Spas (Health Tourism)
Bird Observation Area
Desert Lake Bird Area, Mogan Lake Bird Areas, Forests Kizilcahamam Bird Area, Kavaklı Mountain Bird Area, Inozu Sariyar Valley Dam Bird Areas Bird Area and is located within the borders of Ankara province. Also Beynam Forest Bird Area, and Salt Lake Bird Area is located in Ankara.
Sakarya River Basin
Red River Basin
Konya Closed Basin
Sports Activities
Winter sports: 26 km from Ankara. Elmadag from Ski Center, Snow thickness of 30-40 cm 't find the opportunity to ski in the winter months are available. Elmadag Ski Center has been serving the facilities. Also, one of the liberation Park in Ankara, and the other two ice skating rink is located in Bahcelievler Sondurakta.
Elmadag Ski Centre (Winter Sports)
Air Sports: Golbasi, Ankara Air sports and one of the areas.
The Paragliding Places
Hunting: Ankara Province, accommodates a wide variety of prey animals. Among these, partridge, ruffed grouse, partridge, rabbits, wild ducks and wild geese are. Nallihan, Beypazarı, Kizilcahamam, Çamlıdere, rod and the forest areas of the districts Gudul bear, lynx, wild boar, deer are.
Line Fishing: The fishing is done within a limit of Ankara Province river, lake, dam lake and pond fishing divided into four groups.
River fishing, Kizilirmak, and Sakarya rivers and their branches are Kirmir Creek are. Lake fishing, Mogan Lake, Lake and Karagol Eymir 'also be done. Dam lake fishing, a variety of dam lakes around Ankara is located.
Youth Camps: Ankara's various regions, the Ministry of Forestry, Forestry Camps There are young people will benefit.
Youth Tourism
Art, Culture and Entertainment
Ankara, as well as politically, culturally and artistically, the state capital of Turkey. State Theatre, private and amateur theaters, the State Opera and Ballet, the Presidential Symphony Orchestra, the State Painting and Sculpture Museum, a very large number of image gallery, amateur music groups, cultural centers, activities that have benefited from the capital.
More than half a century, the State Theatre of the Republic of Turkey, Ankara, exhibiting not only the most beautiful games, the theater audience in a sophisticated, intelligent and highly trained. Republic of Turkey in Ankara, sprouted from the ballet of over 40 years. This branch of the arts, theater, just as the audience also created and developed together. Each year in October, which curtains, theater, opera and ballet scenes until the end of May and offers outstanding examples of local and foreign works. Concerts, art and culture in the age of the Presidential Symphony Orchestra Ankara Cracked color string.
Began in 1988, "Ankara International Film Festival", ongoing since 1984,''''International Arts Festival in Ankara in Ankara, the fundamental events. In addition, Ankara International Cartoon Festival, the Ankara International Music Festival and the Asian - European Art Biennial interesting artistic activities.

Ankara and Kirikkale on the east Kirsehir; west, Eskişehir, Çankırı the north, northwest and south of Bolu is surrounded by the provinces of Konya and Aksaray.
Ankara, Turkey, Kizilirmak and Sakarya rivers in the northwest of Central Anatolia is a region covered plains formed by the arms. In this region, with areas of forest steppe and steppe areas can be seen together.
Stream length in the rows in the orange, willow and poplar trees, is located in the steppe. With mountains rising on the plateau surrounding Ankara isolated mountainous area in the north of the forest cover due to increased rainfall begin to announce themselves.
Obvious features of climate in the south of Central Anatolian steppe climate in the north can be seen in the states of the Black Sea climate is temperate and rainy. Land climate, dominated by low winter temperatures in this region, while summer is hot.
The heart of Central Anatolia, Turkey State capital of Ankara, the newly formed government of the republic's bid to host the new position was awarded by the republic's founder, Ataturk.
Hatti Civilization in Ankara and its surroundings date back to the Bronze age. The state of the second millennium before Christ, the ruler of the Hittites region come and order them with the Phrygians, Lydians and Persians followed. In the third century before Christ, a Celtic race, and the Galatians made Ankara its capital.
The name of the province at the time "Ankyra" is. Used for the first time in the capital Ankara to the Galatians. A small city is known as the Hittite period, no trace was found of this period in this region. Respectively, after the age of the Phrygian city of Persia, Alexander the Great, lived in the Galatian periods. BC City of the Emperor Augustus, the Roman Empire with the kingdom of Galatia in 25 attributed.
VII. and VIII. centuries with the rise of Islam and the Arab city of Persia kalmıştır.871-893 between exposure to currents change hands several times. 1127'de enters the Turkish domination and the name of the city as a definite "Engüriye is". 1402 Lightning War in Ankara between Bayazid and Tim *** olor a short time the city will remain under the rule of the Mongols. However, for certain 1414'de enters the Ottoman domination.
Chosen as a base during the war of Independence in 1920 and 1923, the center of Ankara by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk geographic, strategic, political, and the Liberation War will be declared the capital of the central base properties. In those days, the city architects brought from Europe laid the foundations for today's modern Ankara.
Ankara's cuisine makes up the largest part of the old house. On the one hand, and the tandoor oven, on the one hand there were cellars are preserved for winter rations. Ankara is quite varied cuisine. Soup, soup, dutmac, keskek, miyane, milk, and toyga tarhana soups, meat dishes, and Ankara pan, alabörtme, calla, shepherd kavuması, relationships, power, forest kebab, eggplant meat, sızgıç, siyel, trench, rice, Bici, bulgur pilaf, oğmaç vaccine, pit-pit-style rice, stuffed peppers; efelek stuffed ravioli, stuffed şirden (humbar), false-stuffed pastry-buns, sub-top pie, moon pie, pack, entekke pastry, raw materials, quantify, pastry, papaç, Sunday rolls, spring rolls and tandoori dishes are some of Yalkın.
Recipes from Ankara
Ankara, for frying
400 gr. lamb
4 tablespoons butter
15 pieces shallots
2 small carrots
1 cup peas inside
1 tea cup yogurt
1 tea cup of flour
3 eggs
1 / 2 bunch of parsley or dill
salt, black pepper
Saute meat in butter in a saucepan. Shallots, onions, peas and diced carrots by adding sotelenir rings. Cover the amount of water is added and left to boil over. In another pot, yoghurt, eggs and flour to prepare a training. Cooked and prepared meats are flavored with salt, black pepper is added slowly finishing. Ezeri garnished with parsley or dill served.
Bulgur Pilaf with Vegetables
1 cup bulgur wheat
1.5 cups hot meat or chicken broth
1 onion
2 pcs bell pepper
2 tomatoes
1 piece eggplant
1 carrot, chopped
1 potato
1 cup peas inside
1 tablespoon butter
red pepper, black pepper, salt
Cut the carrots and potatoes into cubes. With peas are boiled. Eggplant, bell peppers and cherry tomatoes, chopped small. Saute chopped onions in butter until slightly pink in a pot for cooking. Eggplant and bell peppers are added and, will continue to braise, stirring constantly. After 4-5 minutes, carrots, potatoes, peas and tomatoes are added and together we will continue to braise. After a little bulgur and saute vegetables and 1.5 cups of boiled meat or chicken broth is added. Salt, black pepper and red pepper and bake for 20 minutes with a sweetened. 5-10 minutes, then serve.

Shopping centers in Ankara, the nation, the Red Crescent and Kavaklıdere concentrated. Those who visited Ankara a place they like poking, near Ulus Çıkrıkçılar Slope and shops here.
Nation around the castle, parts of Ascent Çıkrıkçılar Samanpazarı and weaving, copper, pottery, wicker, leather products, such as traditional arts and crafts, various jewelry, ornaments, gift products, and shopping are all kinds of antique goods are sold.
Market at the old and the new shop is a lot of coppersmiths, copper, as well as clothing and jewelry can be found in antiques and decorative items. Walking in the door of the castle at the end of spices, dried fruits, nuts and many other products are sold over the counters to come.
Modern shopping areas are often Kizilay, Tunali Hilmi Avenue and is located in Cankaya Atakule. 125 m with the height of the whole city is dominated by Atakule; revolving restaurant brings out all the city's image. Kavaklıdere Karum shopping center is located in the most prestigious stores. In addition, food and beverage, entertainment, recreation facilities, shopping offers from ...

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