Sunday, January 15, 2012



Area: 17,253 sq km

Population: 1,934,907 (1990)

Traffic Code: 01


Districts of the province of Adana, Seyhan, Yuregir, Aladdin, Ceyhan, Feke, Imamoglu, Karaisali, Karatas, Kozan, Pozanti Saimbeyli, and Ovarian Tufanbeyli 'truck.

Aladağ: Adana, 105 km. stay away from the ruins of this town with a ruined medieval castle in ancient ages, the land of Akoren broken ruins of the church is very important. 40 km away Acisu drink, Challenger Plateau, located Bığbığı cave.

Ceyhan, Adana city center 47 km away. Adana-Ceyhan on the road for 700 m. long, impressive-looking snake on a rock-solid four-sided castle, Grand Mosque, the tomb of Dede Durhasan Mecidiye Mosque and values ​​of the district's major attractions. Yılankale'nin southwest, north-facing cliffs of the River Ceyhan Sirkeli Mound vardır.Höyüğün Muvattali'nin beard and long robes, relief of the Hittite King, is seen. Relief of the oldest Hittite Anatolia. Caravanserai was built in 1693 in the old town of Kurtkulağı Kurtkulağı Aleppo caravan is on its way. Caravanserai 'ethnographic works are exhibited in the region.

Feke: Hill neighborhoods of the city center due to the temple of the Byzantine floor mosaics were uncovered in 1945. Feke castle 12 century, the Byzantines, or supposed to be built by the Seljuks. Of our country which is most suitable for rafting ırmaklarından Goksu, the district is located. In addition, there are a large number of plateaus.
imamoğlu: 45 km from the city center. The main tourist value of the underground city and county away Imamoglu.

Karaisali: 47 km from the city center. Located 8 km from the town. Milva north-west of the castle, 17 km. the west by the Germans in 1912, the German Bridge, 12 km. Fraction on the route of the Silk Road on the south near the village of Han Altinova important historical artifact. Promenade, and is worth seeing Yerköprü Kızıldağ Plateau.

Karatas: 47 km from the city center. geographical location within the district moved to a city of great importance Antiquity. 5 km from the city today known as Magarsus settlement. was at the west. There are two han Karataş from Ottomans. Akyatan Lake and Bird Sanctuary in the Ramsar agreement, the ilçededir.

Kozan: 72 km from the city center. is. Kozan Castle, made ​​by the Assyrians. Egypt in 1448, one of the most important works Hoşkadem Kölemen Sultan Mosque was built by Abdullah Hoşkadem.

Kozan'ın 22 km. Dilekkaya 2 km to the south east of the village. BC on the hill that rises like an island far from the city of Anavarza 9. century, was founded by the Assyrians. Rock tombs, churches, monuments such as the remains from the cistern. There are 18 kinds of marine animals that also Anavarza mosaics. 10 km from the town of Kozan. Dağılcak away, is famous for its promenade, and the highlands.

Pozanti: 116 km to the city center. is. Due to its geographical location became the scene of important events in history. Anakşa old and new castles, the Taurus is the most important gateway at the entrance of the Strait of Gulek. Red mullet with Gülek Kızıltabya between highland strongholds and Aktabya important tourist venues in the district.

Saimbeyli: 156 km center of Adana province. is. The former name Hadjn. Here are the Middle Ages, the castle and churches.

Seyhan: the town where the local, has witnessed many civilizations. The main works of the district the Great Clock Tower, Stone Bridge, Oil Mosque and Madrasa, Hasanaða mosque, arcades mosque, the Ulu Cami Mosque, New Mosque, the Bazaar Hamam, babies are the Church (the church at the top of a bronze statue of the Virgin Mary for its resemblance to the name given to the baby.) Is . In addition, the Old City Neighborhoods and houses are worth seeing.

Tufanbeyli: 200 km from the city center. is. 20 km from the town. northeast, which is the religious center of the Hittites, "Shar" this ruined city, and is known by the names Çomana. Roman open-air theater, Byzantine church, believed to be the main gate of the temple of the goddess of the ancient city Alakapı structures intact. Doğanbeyli south of the ruins of the mounds near the village of Sar, Hittite monument near the west Hanyeri important works.

Ovarian: 81 km from the city center. Atlas of the town and fortress of the most important works of art Ayas, and Marco Polo Tower, the harbor of Sulaymaniyah. There are fishing boats in the Mediterranean coast of the district.

Yuregir: Yüreğir'in most important work at the location of the Ceyhan river bank today Yakapınarı'nın Misis founded the ancient city of Rome and has maintained the importance of the Mamluk Period. 4 on the Ceyhan River century, built by Byzantine Emperor Constantine Flauius Bridge near Misis mosaics, the Roman basilica, aqueducts, stadium, baths, caravanserais and mosques can be seen.


Road: E-400 Highway and Adana can be reached with the international TEM highway. Ankara from Aksaray, over Pozanti 472 km, 873 km from Izmir, Konya Eregli Opium. Bolu, Istanbul, Ankara, Adana can be reached after 909 km Pozanti Aksaray. Distance of 5 km from the city center. The bus station, there are bus services all over Turkey.

Bus Station Tel: (+90-322) 428 20 47

Rail: London by rail in Central Anatolia, Gaziantep and Mersin is.

Station in the distance 1 km from the city center of Adana. 'is.

Railway Station Tel: (+90-322) 453 31 72

Airline: Airline Sakirpasa Air harbor provided. 2750 x 45m ² in size-bodied aircraft landing and departure of each song has a suitable runway. Sakirpasa Airport is open to international traffic. Directly to the recipe, and regular ferry services in Germany, TRNC Arabia, and voyages are international flights to all world countries via Istanbul. During the summer there are charter flights in line with the traffic density.

Shipping: Adana province within the borders open to international oil and freight transport are Botas Port and Port of Toros Fertilizer Factory.


Museums and Historical Ruins

Museum of London

Address: Seyhan Cad. London

Tel: (322) 454 38 55

Fax: (322) 454 38 56

Adana Ethnography Museum

Museum of London Archaeology

Atatürk Museum Adana

Anavarza (Dilekkaya Village) Ruins: Ceyhan district of Adana, Kozan-Kadirli road approximately 20 km of the village close Dilekkaya. Çukurova, rising suddenly in the midst of a large mass of rock has been placed before. In the Roman Empire "Anazarbus" as is. About the history of the Roman empire, almost no information is available prior to the transfer. Roman emperor Septimius Severus, his power during the war with Pescennius Niger, Severus, which side of the city, Severus, after being awarded the sole master of the empire in 194 overcame the most brilliant period of history began to live. MS204-205 in Cilicia, was the metropolis of the provinces of Isauria and Likaonia. Anavarza, in 408 was the birthplace of the ancient province of Cilicia. The city's castle, has traces of Roman and Islamic periods. In the ruins surviving remnants s *** ar, victory, skullcap, castles, columns, and is worth two pools decorated with mosaics. Today has been operating as an open-air museum.
Sar (Sar village) ruins: 210 km to Adana in the Taurus Mountains. a distance of 20 km from the town of Tufanbeyli. is located in the northeast of the village of Sar. Sar, the Hittite period, "Komana" known as an important center. In addition, the open-air theater dating from the Roman period, from the time of the Byzantine church was built of marble blocks and 6 m. the neck, "Ala-door" are worth seeing.
Misis (Yakapınar) Ruins: Misis ancient city, near the Ceyhan River, was founded on the historical Silk Road, Adana after the second passage from the state. Misis date, and is located on the ancient city dating from the Neolithic era begins with a mound. Is said to be the heroes of the Trojan Misis Mopsos established. Hittite, Assyrian, Macedonia, and passed into the hands of the Seleucids, Roman and Byzantine periods also became an important center. A.D. 8. century and was rebuilt from the Abbasid period. In 1517, after the domination of the Ottoman Empire entered the works with MS who have survived today Misis'te 4. century mosaic floor tiles in a basilica, a nine-eyed stone bridge, on the acropolis s *** r, aqueducts, and baths with the remains of the Seljuk and Ottoman periods, and the remaining one-domed mescittir Havraniye Caravanserai.
Magarsos Ruins: Karataş seaside town of Adana is located in a four-poster. Kilikia'nın important cities of the ancient religious center of the Mallos'un Magarsos, well-known temples, especially that of Alexander the Great Temple of Athena earned a reputation for prayer. Sea along the city s *** bee, theater, stadium, church and the ruins of baths attract the attention of visitors.

Ayas (Aigaia - Ovarian) ruins: it was established as the date a complete unknown Ayas (Aigaia) The ancient city of Bergama, such as the Hellenistic period, with one of the world famous temple was three Asklepieion. Continuing development of the Roman empire in Ayas, in the Middle Ages was one of the most important port cities of the east to the Mediterranean Sea.
Genoese and Venetian traders had established colonies, especially the port of Aigaia. The famous traveler Marco Polo travel to China in 1268 landed in this port, after completing the trip from the harbor again boarded the ship returned to Venice. In addition, Atlas Ayas and castles, three-story observation tower built during Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent, the Ottoman and increases the richness of the city's ancient Roman baths.
Akoren ruins: the Taurus is a resort town on the Aladdin has been identified as the Akoren new ruins. Two quarters, according to surveys the ruins of the church survived, four, were the ruins of buildings and streets. Examination of the inscriptions excavated from this area since the Roman period as is understood that the plateau.
Relief at the Ceyhan-Sirkeli Muvattali and Ruins: Ancient Misis-Ceyhan Ceyhan on the highway in the village of Sirkeli River is located on the edge of a rock mass.
Mound has Sirkeli soon. Muvattali Hittite Empire, with the famous Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses been here way to the Battle of Kadesh, and after this event, the sanctity of this place, believed by the Hittites. Muvattali relief is a relief of the Hittite Anatolia, with the former has a different significance.
Tepebag Houses: houses of the Old City, on the mound and at the foot of the same name Tepebag. History of the centuries-old culture of the city of Adana in sur lies here. Houses are often Tepebag 18 century were made.

Snake Castle: Misis of the Ceyhan, on a hill dominated by the plain. Gülek come through Central Anatolia Adana, Misis, Payas and Antioch on the caravan route to the invasion and the castle on the mountain strongholds of the first link in the chain. Among the people "Sahmeran Castle" castle, also known as the snake grow by a person named Sheikh Meran common decency that the rumor.
Dumlu Castle: 17 km from Ceyhan. Sağkaya northwest bucağının Dumlu (Tumlu) and 75 m west of the village high on a hill to a hard calcareous. 12. century, supposed to be built. 800 meters in circumference. Eight burçludur. Is an observation tower overlooking the eastern corner of the plain. Single door faces east. The castle ruins and cisterns is located within the building. Peak is observed around the tombs.
Kozan Castle and the Monastery: It was built by the Ass *** ular. Kozan Castle (Fog) strategic direction is a significant location on the historic road. 9. century, the Abbasids, 11 century, the Seljuks and later passed into the hands of the Crusaders. Every three years due to the ceremonies of baptism, oil extraction, has been the most important centers of the Christian world.

Ramazanoğlu Mansion: Ramazanoğlu was built in 1489 by Halil Bey. Three stories high and made of cut stone. Examples of the oldest houses of Adana. The harem was standing, collapsed part of the greeting. Establish a market for traders in later years because of salt "Salt Han" is named.
Mosque and Churches
Maple (Agca) Masjid: Adana, which is the oldest Turkish building Akca Masjid, was built in 1489 by the Turkmen Image Agca. Door and the altar is covered with eye-catching three rows of marble stones.
Babies are the Church: Saint Paul'dür name based on the church which was built between 1880-90. 2.5-meter bronze statue of the Virgin Mary is located at the top of the church. The baby for its resemblance to the statue known as the Church among the people with babies.
Great Clock Tower: The History of the Great Mosque Complex, was built in 1882 by Governor Abidin Pasha. Cut stone rectangular cross-section of 32 meters height of a tower. Official circles were made to show the times and prayer times.

Bazaar Hamam: Ramazanoğlu was built in 1529 by Piri Bey. Cold, the temperature section, and chiefly the typical examples of the architecture of the classical Ottoman bath rooms. The gate is interesting stonework.
Caravanserais, Bazaar
Kurtkulağı Caravanserai: Caravanserai Kurtkulağı, 12 km from Ceyhan. Kurtkulağı southeast of the Borough. 17. At the end of a century old by Hussein Pasha of Aleppo was built on the caravan route. Made of large cut stones. 23.60x45.75 m. in dimensions. 1.80x2.15 m thick legs and a pointed arch of two rooms with windows covered with arches becomes clear. Right next to the caravanserai, a historic mosque has an interesting architecture of the same period.
The bazaar: the Old Town Street, on. Piri Mehmed Pasha, son of Khalil Bey, and by the 16th Ramazanoğlu century, was built. "Covered Bazaar" is also known as. Adana has been the most vibrant commercial center. Currently, the importance of continuing.
Garden District Haruniye Thermal Tourism Centre, near Aladdin Acisu drink, in Ceyhan Tahtalıköy, Kokarpınar Kurttepe drink and drink healing water used in the treatment of various diseases.
Karatas and Ovarian districts of the province on the Mediterranean coast is important for coastal tourism.
Red mullet, Bürücek, Aladaglar, Horzum Hazelnut, Hamidian, Asar, Asmacık, Armutoluk, Belemedik, Square, Çamlıyayla and plateau tourism is important for the unique beauty of the highlands Kızıldağ.
Stone Bridge: According to the inscription in the Museum of London by architect Auxentios 4 century, the written. 319 m. long and 13 m. The height of the bridge, growing into the sides of a belt 21 consists of a round. But 14 of them are intact. The middle belt is a relief of two lions.

Ovarian and Nature Preserve

The Eastern Mediterranean Region, Adana province, is located within the boundaries of the town of Karatas. Field, 16430 Ha. in size.
Karatas-Adana road transport can be reached through the ovarian-Adana. 35 Nature Conservation Area Karatas district center km, 30 km from the district center of ovary. is.
Characteristics of the Seyhan-Ceyhan delta, lakes lagoons, coastal dunes, harbors plant and animal species, historical and cultural values ​​is a complex structure with.
Wetland complex, is perfectly located on the migration route of birds, winter bird populations reach very high values. Completion of the migration of birds in terms of fixtures, as well as being in an extremely important area, the lakes freeze in cold winter water birds in Central Anatolia is very important as a winter quarters.
Hosted by Turkey in terms of bird species and lakes Akyatan Ağyatan "A class" nature of wetlands, only 2 19. In addition, 2 types of endangered sea turtle (Caretta caretta) and especially (Cheloria Mydas) in the Mediterranean in terms of the viability of these important areas. Ovarian Lagoon, our country also Aleppo pine (Pinus Halepensis) in a rare area of ​​the spread.
Field, on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey is one of 17 sea turtle nesting areas. Especially in danger of extinction in the Mediterranean for the last refuge areas in the turtle Chelonia mydas.
The dam lake of Adana are surfing. There are routes for trekking and equestrian sport in the high plateaus of nature. There are many convenient routes for bicycle riding. Seyhan and Ceyhan rivers, lakes and dams are eligible for angling.
Hunting on the slopes of the Taurus Mountains in the town which have high potential wild goats, fallow deer and roe deer hunting grounds has been established to produce the animal. Plenty of trout live in streams.
Rafting is one of the most convenient ırmaklarından Goksu, Adana city center, 121 km. Feke within town.
Ornithology Areas
Aladaglar: Bird Area, Tuzla Lake Bird Area, Akyatan Lake Bird Area, Ağyatan Lake Bird Area, Ovarian Lagoons Bird Area is located in the province of Adana.
Adana was established on both sides of the Seyhan River, approximately 160 km in the Mediterranean. riparian, Turkey 4 in terms of population size province. Adana, Kayseri north, north-west of Nigde, west, Icel, Kahramanmaras and Osmanabad east, southeast Hatay province is surrounded by borders.
Mountainous and lowland areas in Adana, in accordance with the geographical structure shows that the climate change. Structure of the Mediterranean climate is the climate of lowland area. Summers are hot and dry, winters mild and rainy. Winter rains and snow in mountainous areas is dominated by the continental climate.
After 1950, showing an intense development on the city's settlement with the Neolithic settlement surrounded by Arla Tepebag Höyüğü'ndeki s  goes down. From prehistoric times of the Ancient city of Tarsus on the road connecting with Anatolia Gülek is important. Founded after the fall of the Hittite Empire, the area within the boundaries of the Late Hittite Kingdom, respectively, then the Assyrian, Persia, and came under the sovereignty of Alexander the Great. After Alexander's death before the Seleucid, BC Than 66 were seized by the Roman consul Pompeius. Roman and Byzantine periods gained prominence, the city is occupied 704'te the Arabs in the 9th century, recognized the sovereignty of the Byzantine again. 11. At the end of century, the Seljuks, 14 seen in the mid-century rule of the Mamluks. Expedition to Egypt during the Ottoman Empire has been included in Yavuz Sultan Selim. Egyptian Governor Mehmet Ali Pasha invaded the city in 1833, 1840, by the Treaty of London, re-entered the Ottoman administration. Founded in 1867, the province of Adana in Adana, I. After World War II was occupied by the French. Agreement of 5 January 1922 under the provisions of the French city of Adana

London region has a rich cuisine. The reason for such a rich variety of cultures remains under the influence of the kitchen. The most important feature of the cuisine of Adana, wheat, meat, and the use of various spices. At the same time milk, yoghurt, cheese and curd are used in abundance. Adana kebab is very famous. Besides, plenty of greens, pasta, salad, yogurt or eaten according to the season specific to the area, and turnip juice drink. Cut the dough or soup, ring soup, wedding soup, vegetable dishes, süllüm, lentils, spinach, head, çintmesi pumpkin, wheat sour dishes, buckthorn, garlic meatballs, stuffed dumplings, stuffed meat offal, Adana kebab, kebabs, kebab gypsy, turnip greens, or drink licorice root, Karakus sweet desserts, and a ring of stone shredded wheat dessert dishes authentic cuisine of Adana.

Recipes from Adana
Spinach or Meat Kömbe
4 kg. flour
1 cup oil
1 teaspoon yeast
2 kg. or 1 kg of spinach. ground beef
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
enough salt and water
5 onions
2 tablespoons tomato paste
Mid-drop dough by adding flour and water are turned into salt. Is left to ferment for 1-2 hours. Gland is divided into five equal parts of fermenting dough. A large well oiled pan with oil in a tea cup. According to the diameter of the tray cloth is spread by opening the tray. Onion, spinach and tomato paste was prepared by insertion of the inner layer is made of four. In another pot, sesame seeds, 1 cup flour and 1 cup water slurry is made by mixing the prepared slurry is applied onto the tray of dough. Top oil is poured into a glass of water. Sliced ​​oven-baked meal in the form of diamond.
Gypsy Kebab
1 / 2 kg. eggplant
1 kg. tomato
2 onions
4-5 green peppers
1 / 2 bunch parsley
enough salt and sumac

Şişlenerek grilled eggplant and tomatoes are cooked. When cooked, peeled and sliced ​​and arranged in a pan. On the other side with salt and chopped onion in rings sumakla ovalanır, then put into the chopped parsley and mix again. This mixture is poured over the hot oil roasted tomato and aubergine. Cover with airtight over the tray to the prepared barbecue and cook for half an hour more. Warm and serve.
1 / 2 kg. semolina
1 cup sugar
2 cups milk
Zest of 1 lemon
1 egg
Enough flour
1 / 2 kg. walnuts
For the syrup:
6 cups of sugar-5 cups water, 1 / 2 lemon
One night in advance of semolina is moistened with warm milk, butter and eggs on the addition are kneaded. Until the flour is sprinkled on the softness of an earlobe. The dough is divided into 8 equal pieces and covered with a damp cloth to rest on. Sprinkle flour on a single pop-up meringues. Sprinkled with crushed walnuts and lemon zest Offered yufkaya. Oklavaya again wrapped into rolls and cut into diamond shaped. On the other hand is cooled syrup by boiling materials. The cut in oil until brown karakuşlar plenty of cooking liquor is thrown into. Absorption is provided by pressing syrup. While this dessert should be used in two separate pans. After each fried oil filtered.


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